Finally Home at Last!!!!!
We're finally home!!! What a great birthday present for me. It was so nice to be able to sleep in our own beds! We were able to get Jaden's new compression gloves and head for home Thursday Dec. 7th. The gloves were a bit big though. They figured that his hands were still swollen some when they took the measurements for them. They have ordered another pair with the adjustments and when we return for followups on Dec. 21st, we'll get another pair. They found a certified hand therapist in Idaho Falls for us to work with, so we don't have to drive to Utah once a week. That will be so nice. We have to return to the University Hospital once a month now for follow up. Now we need to get the scabs on his finger tips healed and then it will be more a focus on physical therapy instead of healing wounds. He doesn't like the stretching and scar massage though. We about have to bribe him to keep him from screaming. Right now we have him wear the gloves every other day and bandage on the off days. We are looking forward to settling down into a routine and focusing on the holiday season now.
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